Print ISBN: 978-1-925716-34-4 $29.95 eBook eISBN: 978-1-925716-35-1 $16.50
Ian Birt
This handbook is a short practical guide for the growing number of people working as independent contractors selling their own skilled labour services. You could be a self-employed ‘tradie’ (trades person), contractor, repairer, consultant, freelance, professional-type person, or any other kind of individual service provider.
Being self-employed means that you are running your own service-based enterprise. Be Your Own Boss is a convenient handy guide that explains simply, without jargon, how to successfully start and run your own business – whatever the services you offer. It will equip you with the relevant tolls and knowledge that you will need to work for yourself. This also includes looking after your most valuable business asset – you! Be Your Own Boss recognises you are busy and that you do not want lots to read. Thus, a standard ‘key point’ summary phrase concludes each section.
If you decide self-employment is for you, then you should read this book. When you run a successful business and work smarter within it, the self-employment lifestyle can be a very personally satisfying and rewarding.
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