Small Business

Shape Up Your Finances (2nd Edition) by Ian Birt

Shape Up Your Finances: The Personal Finances Handbook (2nd Edition) by Ian Birt Shape Up Your Finances: The Personal Finances Handbook is for Australian individuals of any age. It…

Be Your Own Boss; The Practical Self-Employment Handbook by Ian Birt

Print ISBN: 978-1-925716-34-4 $29.95 eBook eISBN: 978-1-925716-35-1 $16.50 Ian Birt This handbook is a short practical guide for the growing number of people working as independent contractors selling…

Calling All Teachers!

Seismic changes in vocational and tertiary level education mean there’s a drought of suitable texts. Teaching materials that worked, even 10 years ago, just don’t apply today. The…

Legal Compliance and Risk Management in Small Business

Print ISBN: 978-1-925716-40-5 $54.95 eBook eISBN: 978-1-925716-41-2 $30.95 Ian Birt Small businesses, like all businesses, operate in an increasingly regulated environment. Increasing business regulation is being driven by…

Import/Export; Guidelines for International Trade

Print ISBN: 978-1-925716-28-3 $69.95 eBook eISBN: 978-1-925716-29-0 $38.95 Sebastian Ioppolo Most businesses will be affected by international trade to some extent. Businesses, therefore, need to be dynamic and…

Manage Finances and Develop Financial Plans; In Your Business

Print ISBN: 978-1-925716-36-8 $74.95 eBook eISBN: 978-1-925716-37-5 $41.95 Ian Birt Manage Finance and Develop Financial Plans, Fifth Edition, shows you how to control financial results effectively in a…

Marketing and Promoting Your Business

Products and Services Small Business Management 2017 Ian Birt $59.95 Print ISBN: 978-0-7346-0814-7 $32.95 eBook eISBN: 978-0-7346-2063-7 Effective marketing is essential for small business success. Marketing, simply defined,…